
The Library contains all of the nodes that display your entire collection in several different ways. All of these nodes are useful for browsing your collection based on attributes such as Location, Title, Artist, Album, Genre, etc, or for making changes to a Track by dragging and dropping it between nodes (e.g. dragging a Track from Genre=Pop to Genre= Rock would change the Genre from 'Pop' to 'Rock'). 


This contains all of the Nodes that display Tracks in the Library based on their physical location--any folder or physical media containing a song will show up here. In addition, each subnode contains an All node that displays all Tracks that are present in all of the subfolders of the selected directory. These Nodes are particularly useful if you're trying to find out where all of your Tracks are located. The subnodes are:

Hard Disk

Displays any folders on the hard disk containing Tracks that are in the library. This is useful if you want to move/consolidate Tracks within a folder to a different location


Displays any physical CDs which you have added to the library (note that this is different from the Album node, which shows Tracks grouped by the Album that they appear on--regardless of whether the physical CD has been added to the Library). If you select a CD, but the CD is not inserted, then the Tracks are greyed out, unless they've been saved to the Virtual CD. See Adding CDs to the Library .


Functions similarly to the Hard Disk view -- it displays any folders on the network containing Tracks that are in the library. 


Displays all Tracks sorted by Title. Subviews allow you to view Tracks grouped by title letter.


Displays all Tracks sorted by Artist (Track Artist and Album Artist). Subnodes allow you to view Tracks grouped by Artist, or by Artist & Album. This is one of the most common views for browsing your music library. It is also fairly useful for correcting errors re. Artists - simply drag and drop a Track from the old artist to the new artist to make a correction.

Note: To filter the list of Artists shown, right click on the Artist node.


Displays all Tracks sorted by Album. Each subnode consists of an Album (and associated Album Artist in parentheses) whose Tracks are displayed in the order in which they appear on the album. This is in contrast to the CDs that appear in the Locations node, which shows physical CDs that are being tracked. See Editing Album Properties .

Note: To filter the list of Albums shown, right-click on the Album node.


Displays all Tracks sorted by Genre. Each subnode consists of individual Genres that displays all Tracks of that Genre. Note that the subview shows only Genres that have actually been used, rather than the entire list of available Genres (in contrast, in the Properties dialog, all available genres are shown, though unused Genres appear greyed out). This view is somewhat useful if you wish to choose music by Genre, and is also useful for making changes to the Genre field for any Track - simply drag and drop a Track from the old Genre to the new Genre. 


Displays all Tracks sorted by Year. Subnodes consist of  Decades and Years. This is often useful for selecting a mix of Tracks from a certain era.


Displays all Tracks sorted by Rating. This is useful for selecting and rerating all Tracks.


Displays Tracks grouped by various subjective criteria: Tempo, Mood, Occasion, Quality. These are useful for reclassifying Tracks via drag and drop.